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Jaki Upward Awards and Commendations

Overall Jaki Upward Award Winner

Jacob Wrigglesworth's 'Family Movie Night'

Judges Comments

Jacob Wrigglesworth - Family Movie Night

A moving and humorous insight into one's family and everyday life, captured with great technical and artistic skills

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Highly Commended

Ashleigh Mitchell- Year 12 Visual Communication and Design

Jake Mills- Transcending (Year 12 Studio Arts)

Audrey Stock- Wandering Companionless (Year 12 Art)

Subject Awards

Year 12 Studio Art- Nikki Davidson

Year 11 Studio Arts- Sarah Lazarus

Year 12 Visual Communication and Design- Brooke Halbish

Year 11 Visual Communication and Design- Jessica Sallemi

Year 12 Art- Audrey Stock

Year 11 Art- Sarah Lazarus

VET Applied Fashion (2nd Year)- Lily Setnik

VET Applied Fashion (1st Year)- Paige Joynson

VET Building and Construction (2nd Year)- Brandon Dowell

VET Building and Construction (1st Year)- Shinika Baker

Judges Comments on Overall Exhibition

Congratulations to all students for a great exhibition - and congratulations too to the teachers and team that has supported them this year. 

It wasn’t an easy decision to pick a winner as many artworks and projects resonated well with me. The winning artwork particularly spoke to my emotions and aesthetics. 

I was impressed by the students’ creativity and resilience after a challenging two years. I could see each student’s unique vision and there were qualities in every artwork, garment and communication & design presentations. I am certain that other members of the audience will have their personal favourites. 

I am very grateful to the Jaki Upward’s family and the EMC for organising this art award every year. I wish the students all the best for their studies and hope that art and creativity will continue to have a great place in their lives – whether they choose to pursue an art, communication or fashion career or not. I also hope I will have the chance to see you at McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery now that we are open again.

Last but not least, congratulations on a well thought out website. This year’s exhibition transitioned very smoothly into the digital space and allowed for a great viewing of the different projects.  Kuddos to the person-s that has conceived it!

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