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Samantha Cross

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

Samantha, CROSS

“Reflections of a Victim”

A mosaic portrait of the Greek icon Medusa, a woman from ancient myth who could turn men to stone after being sexually assaulted by the god of the sea Poseidon. Using primarily cool colours, the intention of this artwork is to show the audience the way the Medusa viewed herself, a victim of circumstance and a monster, both inside and out. The red blood seeping from her neck is reflective of the way she died as she gazes into her reflection of Perseus’ shield.

Mandala art tiles, black grout, tile glue, glass cutters, sponge, and squeegee.


“Ayaka of Blue Flame”

A traditional folktale of Japanese myth is that of the fox Yokai, also known as the Kitsune. Typically, they are shapeshifters who gain entertainment from toying with the hearts of men. This correlates to the theme of my artwork in how tragedy and beauty collide in old tales long forgotten. The combination of warm and cool colours has been chosen to represent the duality of the kitsune, the warmth of their invitation and the cold of their true sadistic intent.

Materials: Micador watercolour disks, 4 watercolour brushes (of varying brush ends), alcohol markers.



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